Friday, August 27, 2010

Long Ponderings

My thoughts have been hanging on me like the Spanish Moss rests on the trees. It multiplies the stillness implied by the mass of the tree by being so delicate and ethereal.

I added some new stuff to the blog, some pictures of artwork, and a better video gallery. I'll hopefully start writing more in here now that school will be starting soon. I'm looking forward for that quadrant of my year to start.
I changed my major to painting. I'm still going to the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia but instead of Computer Animation and Technical Direction, painting is now my path. And like all paths, it must be walked upon with vigour; not lightly treaded, scared of leaving a mark, and definitely not stamped upon, ignorant and awkward, but a graceful stride should be the gait of ones choice.

I climbed a tree today. This is the picture I got from up at the top.

Enjoy the newness!

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