Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Dining Room

Yesterday Kelsea and I got quite productive and started hanging up pictures on the wall behind our dinner table. We put up all the paintings I've done that include people, and we were going for an old-fashioned wall full of family photos, but paintings instead. As I paint more I'll hang them up and soon this wall will be too stuffed to fit any more. But here is what it looks like now.

I got to say, it really pulls the room together. :)

Also, I added some photos of the newer paintings and their over in the "Artwork" section of this blog.

On a personal note, things are always interesting. Classes are going really well! I'm taking Life Painting (with my favorite professor, Sandra Reed), Computer Arts Class, and Art History II. Today we covered the 15th century and I'm quite excited for next class when we well be talking about Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael.

The spring heat is slowly eating away at the cold here, its a beautiful day, and I'm quite excited for the weekend. I have lots of fun to do this weekend. The awesome part about my fun is that at the end of the weekend it all gets graded! Whodathunkit! 

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