Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Next Four Years...

Today in my FYE class I got my first real view into the next four years of SCAD. These elusive later years of my life that seem so distant are brought right up to my face for me to try and create a plan around. It is shocking, but extremely exciting as the anticipation to take a class called "Digital Form, Space and Lighting" or "Concept Development for Animation" grows and becomes a closer goal.

Those are just two classes in a long list I am tentatively planning to take here. Taking them would result in a Minor in Technical Direction and a Major in 3D Computer Animation. 220 hours.

I got quite excited thinking about this so I ate some lunch and drew a chair.

The lesson was to visualize the chair as it's basic shape: a cube. Draw that, and work up. Also, we were to find the midline, top and bottom of the chair before we drew it.

I was pleased with my chair and hurried to class and found myself drawing PVC pipes. Later we went outside and drew the trees based on concepts we had used drawing the pipes.

Tomorrow I might be helping out some people from SCAD film a movie. I'm either an extra or if they need some help I told them I knew some technical stuff and would love to help. More on that later I hope!

     ^ Chair and Shadow ^

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