Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Self Portrait

I just got back from class, actually thats wrong. I just got back from SCAD Cafe and before that I had just gotten back from class. That's the way things really happened. In class we turned in our self portraits and I took a picture of mine so I could throw it up here. It was done in colored pencil on red Mi-Tientes paper (fancy name for construction paper that costs more). We were supposed to draw ourselves monochromatically and then add a halo behind our heads and also add something biographical to the piece.
The idea to do mine this way came to me one night when I couldn't get to bed. It strangely and suddenly popped in my head as if somebody had pressed next in a slide show. I find that this happens to me more and more. An idea will literally "pop" into my head and then I try and execute it as best I can. A good example of this was my final for drawing last year. I was sitting in class staring at the table as my professor was explaining the guidelines for the drawing and all of a sudden I knew exactly what I wanted to do, how to do it, where all the parts would fit in, and the colors that I would do it in. So then I did it and I was quite pleased. Same thing with this project.
I always wonder where these ideas come from. Do they ascend from the depths of my consciousness? Or maybe they descend from a global consciousness like dew drops condensing on a spider web. Either way I can tell my skills are improving as each finished project looks more and more like the one I first saw in my head. It's just a matter of showing everybody else.

Also, the background is based on a 16th century textile design.

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