Friday, October 8, 2010

Alla Prima amongst others...

On Wednesday in my Exploration in Oils Class we painted in Alla Prima style. That means we did one painting in 2.5 hours. It was lots of fun. In 2.5 hours you can only get so detailed and you can't really hope to reach equal detail around the painting but the fun part is getting all the coarse parts down and then going in selectively and figuring out how parts of it looks to a much denser degree. I need to work more on this selective information vignetting in my pieces. I find I have more or less an equal level of detail on the entire canvas. I look forward to doing some more Alla Prima's on my own time and trying to work on this idea.
Bought a new bike recently. My old one got stolen. Got a good deal on this new one though and it is quite a blast to speed around town on gears that actually work. If anyones looking to buy a bike in Savannah I recommend Sekka bikes. They are nice people.


I also included a picture of the palette I used for the Alla Prima. The palette is like the other side of the painting; it's all the same materials ordered by color but they are not yet ordered by location. It takes both location and color to create the illusion of things. (or people)
I'm working on some pretty exciting and personal pieces for the next two projects in Drawing III and Painting (one project per class). I'll keep y'all updated on how they are going.

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