Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lessons I've Learned from Spinning Poi

  • You've got to have balls, that's all.
  • Don't hit your balls, let them flow.
  • It's not a trick, it's a dance.
  • When limitations confront tension beauty is created.
  • You've got to dodge yourself.
  • Have a mirror or a good friend watching to tell you how you're doing. It's difficult to self-critique.
  • Let the balls guide you, they already know what to do.
  • The more you hit yourself the faster you'll learn.
  • Keep a rhythm.
  • Don't show off, you'll mess up.
  • It's always better a day old.
  • When you forget how and you just do, it becomes natural.
  • Nothing is difficult, it just takes time.

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