We've seen lots of pictures of individual galaxies, the round discs of light and whirpoolic forms. We've been looking at individual players, hugely massive entities that lumber through space, almost like plankton. But this concept of a homogenous mixture of galaxies slowly expanding from a singular point seems to break down under the auspices of being able to see the universe from a different perspective. What we see instead is a network, not chaos.
This new image of the universe, is really really fascinating. Neurons are the part of the brain that transmit information by using electro-chemical synapse. They see and respond, really quickly, but with little "thought" to what abstract idea they may realizing on a gross scale. I begin to think of a chair, and suddenly millions of cells dance and vibe at the rhythm of "chair" none of them having any actual clue as to what a chair is. The thought is a result of the pattern. The pattern of information. Be it chemicals, marbles, electricity, or an idea, it is the pattern of the transfer that creates a thought.
So, it would make sense that these galaxies are unaware of what galactic pattern making they are participating in. The flow of information generates consciousness on a galactic scale, like the one seen above. Instead of chemicals or electricity, we might see a transfer of energy and light. As this light was transfered the patterns would induce a gross awareness, a consciousness.
This is true in rat brains, our brains, the shape of the galactic network, and also in our individual lives and our relationship to each other and our planet. Our network, our relationships, create a flow of information that transmits ideas and emotions. This data transfer is the foundational synapse of a consciousness on a higher dimension that has only recently been explored by the Occident. The consequences of these facts becoming the paradigms of the new generations can only be affirmations of connectedness and community, as well as patterns and rhythm.
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